Bob was born an only child and raised in Glasgow, Scotland. Later he moved to London for work and then took the great leap of faith, leaving everything and everyone he knew and moved to the United States to further his career.
Bob holds a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering and a Masters Degree in Highways & Transport. As an engineer and an independent international expert in the application of advanced technologies to transportation, Bob has spent more than 40 years providing high-level consulting to governments in the United States, Europe, Middle East and the Asia Pacific regions. This has enabled him to build relationships around the world and develop a high level of written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms.
As a child and young man, Bob was raised Presbyterian, serving as an elder, a youth club leader and a Sunday school teacher. He was born again during his life in the United States after marrying Sonia and attending a non-denominational, Holy Spirit filled Church. That is when his walk with God really started to increase. Bob now also holds a Bachelors Degree in Theology from Life Christian University. One of the courses in the degree program was entitled “Discovering Your Purpose”. During this course, the Holy Spirit revealed to Bob that his purpose in life was to establish an International Discipleship School. Independently, the Holy Spirit also spoke to Sonia, his wife, indicating that they should move to France and acquire a suitable property.
Bob is continuing to apply his communication and teaching skills for the Kingdom of God by bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in simple, concise terms, without changing the message, but configured to the characteristics of the audience. He does this through Outreach and Teaching Ministries. Bob has a great gift in building relationships with people of all races, color and creed. In answering the call of God, he now resides with his wife Sonia in Reynes, the South of France. Bob never had children of his own, but very openly and lovingly accepted his wife's children as his own. They have a great love and respect for Bob's accomplishments in life, as well as his diplomatic demeanor. Bob loves to travel the world with his wife, meet new people and share Jesus with them. Bob's favorite Scripture is:
Matthew 6:28-29
“So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."
This reminds Bob to put God first, draw near to God and then everything else will fall into place.